Mysqldump all databases and gzip
So, quick and simple MySQL backup in a CRON. #!/bin/bash _hour=`date '+%H'`; _user="root"; _pass="thepassword"; _dest="/srv/backups/daily/"; mysqldump -u $_user -p$_pass --all-databases…
A bunch of ramblings about PHP programming, JQuery, MySQL and other 'stuff'
So, quick and simple MySQL backup in a CRON. #!/bin/bash _hour=`date '+%H'`; _user="root"; _pass="thepassword"; _dest="/srv/backups/daily/"; mysqldump -u $_user -p$_pass --all-databases…
GZIP and TAR are two different utilities bound by the same cause. Compressing files and making file catalogs. To compress…