Custom Zend Validator error messages
The Zend Validator error messages are not the most helpful. Considor the below code for creating a file input: $this->addElement('file',…
A bunch of ramblings about PHP programming, JQuery, MySQL and other 'stuff'
The Zend Validator error messages are not the most helpful. Considor the below code for creating a file input: $this->addElement('file',…
When using an inline partial viewscript in my form, I sometimes need access to data. I can accomplish this by…
Have had some serious problems getting this working, but after a 4 hour head bashing session, we’ve cracked it. CREATE…
When creating a Zend Framework site, its always best to keep the Zend library as an external source. This way…
To pass data from your controller, to a Zend_Form, you can utilise the config parameters: $this->view->form = new Contact_Edit_Form(array('contactName' =>…
When using a CLI script with options, I like to use the Zend_Console. If my options are as follows: $console…
When performing a simple SQL search using Zend_Db_Select, $select->where('name = ?', 'chris'); But what if you want to do a…
I keep having trouble with this simple calculation! So, here is a little example to get the amount of days…