So you want to have your password remembered by a remote SSH connection?

Easy, following these steps

On your local machine, create a new SSH key:


It will ask you for a file location and a keyphrase, but I always just hit enter three times.

This will create a file in the default folder (or whichever folder you chose in the first step)


The contents of this file want to go into a file on the remote server: If the file doesn’t exist, you’ll have to create it.

/root/.ssh/authorized_keys, or

That’s it. There are some cases where you have to change the permissions of the authorized_keys file but I’ve not had to do that. I think the suggested chmods are 640 and 700, but don’t hold me to that

From now on, you won’t be prompted for your password when SSH’ing in from the local machine. In order to revoke access, delete the right line from the authorized_keys file.

By admin

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