The stylesheet of our intranet is primarily Tahoma, and Firefox on Ubuntu doesn’t look good.
To install the Microsoft Core Fonts package in Ubuntu, run the following in your terminal:
sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts
And then this should go away and get them. Lovely.
NB, if this doesn’t take immediate effect, you can rebuild the font cache by running
sudo fc-cache -fv
Now, the Tahoma font is excluded these days from this package, so you’ll need to install that one manually, by following the instructions found here
I found an easy way to install both Tahoma & Calibri. In a browser go to download the fonts you desire and save them to your downloads directory. If you have previously installed the mscore fonts pkg you should have the directory I reference.
sudo mv ~/Downloads/*.ttf /usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/