Finding files is a little different to MS DOS!
find <startlocation> <type> <filename> <exec>
The exec is a simple way of performing functions on the results. If you leave it off, the find doesn’t really do anything.
So, the simplest thing to do is find a file, so the exec becomes the output:
find / -name wkhtmltopdf* -exec ls -ls {} \;
That will find all files starting with wkhtmltopdf starting from / and the function to run on it is ls -ls {} \;
The {} will be replaced with the search result, so, in essence, ls -ls filename; will show you the details about the file which is what I want, as I am looking for all copies of the wkhtmltopdf toolkit on the server.
You can obviously change the exec to delete the files, or copy/move them, orĀ interrogateĀ further…