Help in using Ubuntu Terminal Console
Help in using Ubuntu Terminal Console Remote connection To ssh to another Lunix terminal, use this command: ssh username@host -p…
Ubuntu Console commands for SVN
Console commands in Ubuntu for use with subversion Checkout a branch: svn checkout url@revision path To update your local source:…
REGEX – Remove Letters from string
Removing letters from a string using Regular Expressions. Very simple. but brain bending – All I wanted to do was…
TabIndex in HTML
TabIndex is an attribute to HTML elements that tells the browser which control takes focus next when TAB is pressed.…
Dependency Injections
Dependency Injections When creating PHP classes, particulary when utilising Unit tests, its a good idea to use dependancy injections. This…
I’d not come across REPLACE as a MySQL function before. I’d always used a combination of concatination of LEFTs and…
MySQL Group Concat
What is MySQL’s GROUP_CONCAT function for? How often have you wanted a comma separated list of values in a table…
MySQL Replication Guide
I have had to install a few instances of MySQL replication, and its never as simple as you expect…
Online Regular Expression Testing Tool
Regular expressions — everyone loves them, right? Well, I am currently running Ubuntu, and I would normally use RegexBuddy –…