I recently switched from Linux Mint back to the old trusty Ubuntu (11.10)
One major problem was Unity, but I got round this by installing Xfce and use that as a shell instead. Much better.
Now, my Thunderbird is proper maximised. Like full screen, so I can’t switch to any applications unless I use ALT TAB. Found help on the net.
1) Close Thunderbird
2) Locate your localstore.rdf file, mine was in:
3) Edit the file, and find the section that looks a little like this:
<RDF:Description RDF:about="chrome://messenger/content/messenger.xul#messengerWindow" width="1024" height="1024" screenX="344" screenY="113" sizemode="fullscreen" />
And change it to:
<rdf:Description RDF:about="chrome://messenger/content/messenger.xul#messengerWindow" width="800" height="600" sizemode="normal" screenX="5" screenY="5" />
Then, once restarted, Thunderbird should be all nice and accessible again. Thanks to Greg for this one!
Thanks for the solution, but i had to change both
<RDF:Description RDF:about="chrome://messenger/content/messenger.xul#messengerWindow" and
<RDF:Description RDF:about="chrome://messenger/content/messengercompose/messengercompose.xul#msgcomposeWindow"
for being able to launch thunderbird normally.
thanks, that worked for me on ubuntu 14.04!
Great to hear. Thanks for letting me know
Thanks, that worked for me very well (using Gentoo + Xfce 4 + Compiz).
Thanks for this, it worked for me, after I accidentally put it into fullscreen mode. What a pity Thunderbird has no easy option to restore it to normal.
No worries. Annoying isn’t it!
Worked for me Ubuntu 14.04 I have had this problem for about a year and had a go at fixing it every month or so. I cant believe that it took so long to find this solution.
Many Thanks